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Flaming Lips Hollywood Forever Cemetery

Posted: 31 May 2011, 14:38

The Flaming Lips didn't really perform a proper Los Angeles date for late 2009 double-album "Embryonic," but this summer the Oklahoma City weirdos will give L.A. denizens two nights of music, essentially taking over the Hollywood Forever Cemetery on June 15 and 16. The first night will see the Lips tackling their 1999 album "The Soft Bulletin," which essentially redefined the psychedelic rockers as a more orchestral-friendly band.

The news was revealed via a tweet from Flaming Lips frontman Wayne Coyne. The mid-June dates are confirmed, but on-sale information and further details have not been released. For instance, the poster teases some kind of "all-day or all-night" Flaming Lips activity, noting the event is "two nights, one morning." The second night of the Flaming Lips' cemetery stay will be a cover of "The Dark Side of the Moon," which the Lips have regularly taken on the festival circuit of late (the band will also perform it at a three-day Chicago festival in May).

So while a seeing the Flaming Lips cover "The Dark Side of the Moon" is nice and all, it feels a little too predictable for such a unique setting. Therefore, here's hoping there's some synchronized tapes affixed to those gravestones.

not a huge fan, but this sounds fucking awesome.

Re: Flaming Lips Hollywood Forever Cemetery

Posted: 31 May 2011, 16:53
by clitty litter
so why are you not a fan? what's wrong with you?

Re: Flaming Lips Hollywood Forever Cemetery

Posted: 31 May 2011, 18:19
I think it would probably be faster to list the things right with me.

my ass.

....end of list.

I said "not a huge fan"...not "not a fan." they're okay...nothing's really grabbed me. but their shows look like a lot of fun, and their experiments are at least commendable...maybe not always successful, but respectable.

Re: Flaming Lips Hollywood Forever Cemetery

Posted: 01 Jun 2011, 22:07
by Grotocult
I guess this sucky indie band is still using "ironic" female sexuality to sell their sucky music.

Re: Flaming Lips Hollywood Forever Cemetery

Posted: 02 Jun 2011, 09:54
by Carcharodon carcharias
I saw the dick-sucking lips last night. Yup, all over my dick. If you've never seen'em, better try to catch them.

Re: Flaming Lips Hollywood Forever Cemetery

Posted: 03 Jun 2011, 17:34
by clitty litter
yeah yo im not gonna front i agree. the lips live is all that and more. thing is, it's not really an issue that Wayne cant sing in key for shit. it almost makes no difrence. thats how good of a time ur having there. the only time i ever saw em i almost drunk myself completely out of this blenders universe at maxwells house for some beer shampoo i used on my hair smokin hubs wif evil joel on neptune or some shit.

Re: Flaming Lips Hollywood Forever Cemetery

Posted: 03 Jun 2011, 18:17
I knew there was a reason for my disapproval of this band.

Re: Flaming Lips Hollywood Forever Cemetery

Posted: 07 Jun 2011, 08:59
by Carcharodon carcharias
cribdeath mountain wrote:
Carcharodon carcharias wrote:What about the flaming assholes
Oooooh! I love them...I have one

Re: Flaming Lips Hollywood Forever Cemetery

Posted: 07 Jun 2011, 11:00
Carcharodon carcharias wrote:assholes

Re: Flaming Lips Hollywood Forever Cemetery

Posted: 07 Jun 2011, 12:11
by Carcharodon carcharias
cribdeath mountain wrote:
Carcharodon carcharias wrote:flaming assholes


Re: Flaming Lips Hollywood Forever Cemetery

Posted: 17 Jun 2011, 02:03
Who the fuck pays money to see a Pink Floyd cover band? Fuck that shit. When's Bungle getting back together?

Re: Flaming Lips Hollywood Forever Cemetery

Posted: 17 Jun 2011, 02:59
well, seeing how fast that day sold out, and seeing how often I notice these guys in the LA Weekly, I would say "a whole buttload of people."

I have it on good authority that the day after you die the bungle reunion will be announced.

Re: Flaming Lips Hollywood Forever Cemetery

Posted: 17 Jun 2011, 06:15
by Mary Hinge
horrible, horrible, self-absorbed, try-hards

Re: Flaming Lips Hollywood Forever Cemetery

Posted: 01 Jul 2011, 15:57
by clitty litter
i think someone play'd a mean joke on u Hinge
i'm sure said asshole had minor intentions but there was a breakdown
and no Puma or Adidias or unfolded cardboard fridgerator boxes on sidewalks
only lazer-pointers & silver platters.


Re: Flaming Lips Hollywood Forever Cemetery

Posted: 02 Jul 2011, 03:14
by Liingus
Zoo poo has warped hinges ear drums

Re: Flaming Lips Hollywood Forever Cemetery

Posted: 02 Jul 2011, 17:36
like I said, I can go either way, but even I can admit it's a pretty awesome idea...

lemme just say; holy shit, what a boring song, and you can almost smell the putrid patchouli/BO stench coming through the, it just makes you want to stomp some noodle-dancing, soap-fearing muthafuckas into the dirt, BUT...VERY cool use of the bell tower & sunrise atmosphere.

I want that crowd ball.

Re: Flaming Lips Hollywood Forever Cemetery

Posted: 10 Jul 2011, 00:10
by General Tso s Chicken
i watched a bunch of those videos a few days ago , i had a few similar thoughts about the attendee's .

Re: Flaming Lips Hollywood Forever Cemetery

Posted: 10 Jul 2011, 10:04
the attendee's what? stench? :lol: :wink:

that reminds me, the hood gas station down the road
has some very interesting incense aroma options.

Re: Flaming Lips Hollywood Forever Cemetery

Posted: 11 Jul 2011, 10:23
by Carcharodon carcharias
cribdeath mountain wrote:the attendee's what? stench? :lol: :wink:

that reminds me, the hood gas station down the road
has some very interesting incense aroma options.

I'm sure they have killed the odors in your house on many occasions. You can't have dog feces and rotting corpses go smellin' up the place when you have probation officers coming over ever night.

Re: Flaming Lips Hollywood Forever Cemetery

Posted: 28 Jul 2011, 18:49
by General Tso s Chicken
yeah there is a paki tobaccy shop here , i noticed an incense labeled "black love" .

Re: Flaming Lips Hollywood Forever Cemetery

Posted: 29 Jul 2011, 10:04

hoodmart fuel has "opium" among others,
but the one that is always almost out is "sweet pussy".

:shock: :shock: :shock:
:shock: :shock: :shock:
:shock: :shock: :shock:
:lol: :lol: :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Flaming Lips Hollywood Forever Cemetery

Posted: 30 Jul 2011, 21:43
by General Tso s Chicken
the head shop were i get mine (the good stuff) has been getting some new varieties .

i noticed one called "latin lover" it was red and purple with silver glitter .

this late in the game , the newer flavors with the creative names tend to turn my tummy , so i have avoided contemplating what sort of vile stench that may emit . we had one here with glitter on it "fizzy pop" , this is what you get for sending the ole lady on an errand . vomit poop is more like it , i avoid the glitter ones .

fantasia , coconut , vanilla , pine tree is nice for a change but i am pretty picky about that shit . the "bakin brownies" was really kind of odd , some of them have an overpowering "sage like " aroma not sure what that is , i dont care for it much .

i have also burned small amounts of xmass potpourri , in a giant ash tray , with a propane torch here . that is like nuke the place good . or i had a bunch of smaller wood splinter pieces , like 1/2 inch . we soaked those down with some body spray shit my kids didnt care for , but i thought it was tasty . that stuff works well in a pinch .