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The Departed - FFS

Posted: 05 Oct 2006, 18:45
by judasmuppet
Why must Hollywood keep doing this shit?! Scorsese even?!

I just realised that The Departed is a remake of Infernal Affairs. ARRRGHHH!!!

It looks like a carbon copy rip-off, yet 45 minutes longer. :eyes:

Re: For fuck's sake

Posted: 05 Oct 2006, 18:53
by Roark
judasmuppet";p="808517 wrote:Why must Hollywood keep doing this shit?!
Because you touch yourself at night.

Posted: 05 Oct 2006, 19:03
by judasmuppet
I'd just like to advise you that I am going to delete that post at my liberty.

Posted: 05 Oct 2006, 21:10
by Roark
If you had true power, you wouldn't need to keep reminding me of it. You would simply roam the earth being really humble/enlightened, having flashbacks of your Master, and getting into the occasional fight with ignorant misogynists and bullies.

Posted: 05 Oct 2006, 21:14
by judasmuppet
Where's the comic zing in that, eh?

Posted: 05 Oct 2006, 21:16
by Roark
*as above with Benny Hill music*

Posted: 05 Oct 2006, 21:17
by judasmuppet

Nicely bowled.

Posted: 05 Oct 2006, 23:11
by Liingus
news flash

scorsese hasn't made a mere decent film in 7 years

Posted: 05 Oct 2006, 23:14
by judasmuppet
Bringing Out The Dead being the last good one?

Posted: 05 Oct 2006, 23:45
by Liingus
yeah, and that's pushing it

Posted: 05 Oct 2006, 23:48
by judasmuppet
It mainly qualifies because it slipped under the radar with a lack of fuss.

Posted: 06 Oct 2006, 06:24
by The Rambam
I was too busy hating on Eyes Wide Shut to give Bringing Out the Dead its due.

Posted: 06 Oct 2006, 07:38
by Thunder Beer
I love Eyes Wide Shut!! :curse:

Posted: 06 Oct 2006, 10:28
by Thunder Beer
Oh, and Scorsese recently said that this is going to be his last Hollywood film, because he is tired of the system... From now on, he will only make small indie flicks and documentaries...

Posted: 10 Oct 2006, 21:31
by Karp
I thought The Departed was a good movie actually.

Posted: 10 Oct 2006, 21:33
by Karp

Posted: 10 Oct 2006, 21:34
by judasmuppet
Shit, man. What's with the aggro?

Posted: 10 Oct 2006, 21:42
by Karp
My apologise about the aggro :(

Honestly though I thought it was a really good movie. So did my friends who i went to see it with. I never saw Infernal Affairs and I wasnt fully aware that The Departed was a remake. That being said, it is factual that most remakes (atleast in compairison with the original) suck in which case
I do want to see Infernal Affairs to see how justly the remake was.

Posted: 10 Oct 2006, 21:51
by judasmuppet
You should see it. There is also an Infernal Affairs II and III, neither of which I have seen.

Posted: 10 Oct 2006, 21:54
by judasmuppet
Was Damon good?

Posted: 10 Oct 2006, 23:49
by Roark

Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 08:14
by Karp
Damon was good, the casting I thought was great. Mark Wahlberg did a bang up job too.

Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 10:38
by ReverseEngineer
Remake or not,
I'm pretty much dying to see this.

Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 18:29
by judasmuppet
I am also now pretty keen to see it, having read a bit more... :oops:

Posted: 24 Oct 2006, 16:17
by Grotocult
judasmuppet";p="810668 wrote:Shit, man. What's with the aggro?

Don't bring me into this.

I liked this movie.
Bringing Out The Dead sucked and so did Eyes Wide Shut.