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mixing sodas

Posted: 30 Jul 2006, 19:13
by Miss Yvonne
I guess this belongs here, maybe.

My sister's been mixing different sodas together forever and I always thought she was weird. But tonight I couldn't decided what I wanted to drink.

store brand Mountain Dew + Root Beer = a drink that tastes remarkably like those Valentine's Day Sweethearts.

Posted: 30 Jul 2006, 19:26
by Hitman

Posted: 30 Jul 2006, 20:19
by Miss Yvonne
How does this drink go with tacos, you ask? Well, I just drank it while having some black bean nachos and it was very complementary, believe it or not! You have my permission to put it on your menu!

Posted: 30 Jul 2006, 20:20
by PattonBordin
dr pepper + Cherry coke/pepsi

Posted: 30 Jul 2006, 20:31
by Jeff
I almost always make a mix when I get a fountain beverage...

Also, this isn't quite the same thing but I drink orange juice mixed with seltzer water all summer long...

Posted: 30 Jul 2006, 20:47
by judasmuppet
Try this for a summer drink:

One jug/pitcher
Half fill with ice
Add vodka
Add juice of a couple ruby grapfruits
Add juice of one lemon
Top up with mineral/soda/seltzer water
Take seat on the balcony

Posted: 30 Jul 2006, 22:14
by Hitman
Miss Yvonne";p="775932 wrote:How does this drink go with tacos, you ask? Well, I just drank it while having some black bean nachos and it was very complementary, believe it or not! You have my permission to put it on your menu!

Posted: 02 Aug 2006, 03:09
by Busta
judasmuppet";p="775962 wrote:Try this for a summer drink:

One jug/pitcher
Half fill with ice
Add vodka
Add juice of a couple ruby grapfruits
Add juice of one lemon
Top up with mineral/soda/seltzer water
Take seat on the balcony
Hells yes!

Posted: 02 Aug 2006, 03:15
by Eviltoastman
Or how's this:

1 Can of ice cold beer.
1 Pint glass.

Pour and serve.

I swear we need to ban Floodmatt and Mr John from this messageboard.

Posted: 02 Aug 2006, 08:28
by judasmuppet
Fuck you. You didn't chill the glass.

Posted: 02 Aug 2006, 08:57
by Hitman
judasmuppet";p="775962 wrote:Try this for a summer drink:

One jug/pitcher
Half fill with ice
Add vodka
Add juice of a couple ruby grapfruits
Add juice of one lemon
Top up with mineral/soda/seltzer water
Take seat on the balcony
Homo drink...

Posted: 02 Aug 2006, 09:06
by Jeff
judasmuppet";p="777705 wrote:Fuck you. You didn't chill the glass.
You're not supposed to, assuming the beer is of any quality whatsoever.

Posted: 02 Aug 2006, 09:14
by judasmuppet
Toast was bragging about an ice cold beer. I was helping him out.

Posted: 02 Aug 2006, 09:24
by Jeff
Ice cold beer is a stupid idea invented by american beer companies who want to hide the fact that their beers suck big floppy donkey dick.

Posted: 02 Aug 2006, 09:28
by Hitman
Fuck off, idiot...


Posted: 02 Aug 2006, 10:08
by Eviltoastman
Quality beer is for women who want to taste the beer, not get drunk.

Posted: 02 Aug 2006, 10:16
by Jeff
Drink a Dogfish 120 minute IPA and tell me how you feel...

Posted: 02 Aug 2006, 10:33
by Eviltoastman
If it's warm and I need something cold to help alleviate the heat then I'll just think I've been gyped. Same as when drink tea on a cold day. Sometimes it's to get something warm grandma's soup. Inevitabley, if it tasted so awful even when cold, I would not want to drink it. Like Mann's Brown Ale. Yuk.

Posted: 02 Aug 2006, 10:51
by Jeff
If I need something for the heat I drink water.

And I don't mean that beer should be served warm... most brews recommend 40-50 degrees... but the ice cold stuff is usually a scam by american macro shit brewers...

Posted: 02 Aug 2006, 20:44
by judasmuppet
I don't think it's a distinctly American thing. The hard-working Aussie and his hard-earned thirst needs a big cold beer. It's a different drinking experience, and some beers are just better with the extra chill.

Posted: 02 Aug 2006, 21:09
by Busta
I LOVE a cold 'fucken' beer.
It's the only way I drink.

Posted: 02 Aug 2006, 21:12
by Roark
Tepid beer is an atrocity of the soul.

Posted: 02 Aug 2006, 21:25
by Busta
It's a fucking travesty.
I've never heard such nonsense.

Posted: 02 Aug 2006, 21:40
by judasmuppet
I am going to delete most of this thread when I become moderator.

Posted: 02 Aug 2006, 21:43
by Busta
Slowly taking over the world, Judas?
This has been your plan all along, hasn't it!?!?