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Re: Recent films. A very brief opinion.

Posted: 05 Feb 2010, 16:55
by ReverseEngineer
Eviltoastman wrote:hod Rod was pure awful
you, sir, are a ro-bot.

Re: Recent films. A very brief opinion.

Posted: 06 Feb 2010, 11:30
by Mr John
Eviltoastman wrote:
ChickenMug wrote:enjoyed the hangover
stupid, mindless comedy

i saw Hot Rod and Inglorious Basterds yesterday. I wished I hadn't. hod Rod was pure awful and Inglorious was typical viscieral teen tripe. They both seem to have been made for the underdeveloped.

How's that bullet wound in your foot?

Re: Recent films. A very brief opinion.

Posted: 06 Feb 2010, 18:30
by General Tso s Chicken
hot rod seems to really polarize viewers .

guys ritchies sherlock holmes was way better then i expected . i was set up to shut it off , but it was pretty good !

didnt seem like a G.R. flick except for a few parts . more like a typical hollywood blockbuster , with a lil more soul .

good "popcorn" movie .

Re: Recent films. A very brief opinion.

Posted: 06 Feb 2010, 18:38
by General Tso s Chicken
re-watched HURT LOCKER , i don't recommend doing that .

through that process i found out about this :

which i have been enjoying immensely .

still for me the best desert war "movie" is 3 kings , but this series seems very true to life .

very frustrating , tedious , a LOT of bullshit . i imagine its much worse for the folks who are over there , but this seems much more true to life .

Re: Recent films. A very brief opinion.

Posted: 07 Feb 2010, 18:13
by Eviltoastman
Mr John wrote:
Eviltoastman wrote:
ChickenMug wrote:enjoyed the hangover
stupid, mindless comedy

i saw Hot Rod and Inglorious Basterds yesterday. I wished I hadn't. hod Rod was pure awful and Inglorious was typical viscieral teen tripe. They both seem to have been made for the underdeveloped.

How's that bullet wound in your foot?
For this "lollaging" to qualify, Hot Rod would have had to be a stupid mindless comedy. Instead it was a stupid mindless film. The only thing remotely funny about it was...wait there was nothing.

In the same league as

High Crusade.
Napoleon Dynamite.
Anything with Jack Black.

Re: Recent films. A very brief opinion.

Posted: 08 Feb 2010, 05:24
by Mr John
Aah but to quantify that statement, you have to watch all of Jack Black's movies, a self-defeating purpose of exposing yourself to the things you loathe, thus negating the faculty of "having taste in films" no?

And were you slagging Napoleon Dynamite? Outside. Now.

Re: Recent films. A very brief opinion.

Posted: 08 Feb 2010, 13:30
by Eviltoastman
It had been wrote:I'm told the movie was greeted at Sundance with lots of laughter, but then Sundance audiences are concerned with being cool, and to sit through this film in depressed silence would not be cool, however urgently it might be appropriate.

Re: Recent films. A very brief opinion.

Posted: 09 Feb 2010, 02:06
by General Tso s Chicken
a real macho guitar player friend of mine recommended this movie to me :

interesting flick , good story , dialog , great performances . just kind of shocking that this dude turned me on to it , he is a huge moghltey kroo fan , amazing lead player too !

Re: Recent films. A very brief opinion.

Posted: 15 Feb 2010, 18:10
by Eviltoastman
I enjoyed Ponyo. Some of the scenes were incredible, especially the Tsunami/Storm scenes.

Re: Recent films. A very brief opinion.

Posted: 15 Feb 2010, 21:31
by Grotocult
I dug Nightwatch.
Now I am hooked on Lost.

Re: Recent films. A very brief opinion.

Posted: 17 Feb 2010, 11:14
by General Tso s Chicken
crazy heart !!!!

perfect movie , loved the music , also has this great "musician F's up on stage scene ever" .

way better than that johhny cash movie , that was pretty darn good !

highly recommended .

Re: Recent films. A very brief opinion.

Posted: 17 Feb 2010, 23:35
by General Tso s Chicken
under-rated flick

pretty cool adaptation .

if you are a fan of the guy ritchie / british crime movies this was a real pleasure .

kinda emotional , but it was nice .

Re: Recent films. A very brief opinion.

Posted: 18 Feb 2010, 05:47
by Mr John
The Wolfman.

Mr John quick capsule review:
Nothing new to see here, move along.

Mr John extensive shitlist:
Cliche-ridden*, Tim Burton-wannabe of a film.

Humourless until Hugo Weaving turns up and channels Agent Smith to wring some sardonic lines out of the script, then wavers over using a cockney accent or not (he actually changes his accent about three times).

Del Toro does nothing endearing, is pointlessly cast, you don't care about him at all, his backstory is pointless.

Hopkins doesn't so much "phone it in" as mumble down a can on a piece of string.
:dead: :dead:

Art Malik is woefully underused. Woefully.

Lesser roles go to ugly English actors that you spend the whole film going "what was he/she in again?" before they get predictably wiped out.

Director insists on pointless face close ups of incidental charactors, so you wonder "who are they? what was he in", then they die pointlessly and you wonder what the fuss was about.

ALL the scares are indentical: "where is it?" - music goes quiet - charactor turns around - "Boo!"
Massively predictable.

*However, if you're 13 and have never seen a horror film, you'd probably like it.
:borg: :rainbow: :zombie:

Re: Recent films. A very brief opinion.

Posted: 18 Feb 2010, 08:20
by Busta
Not liking Hot Rod is akin to disagreeing with oxygen or plain out hating H20

Re: Recent films. A very brief opinion.

Posted: 18 Feb 2010, 11:15
by Dress Barn
Very funny doc about life on the Bunny Ranch in Nevada
I've been imitating "Airforce Amy" all day

Re: Recent films. A very brief opinion.

Posted: 19 Feb 2010, 13:21
by General Tso s Chicken
hey phil , ever see this :

watched it with deet last night , did a double feature :

that movie is too good .if you havnt checked it out , do so , its almost perfect , should have a 9 , and a ten (minus the tranny) .

gonna check this out too , its made by the on any sunday guys kid :

Re: Recent films. A very brief opinion.

Posted: 19 Feb 2010, 13:45
by crotchgrabber
i've seen the fastest indian. fun flick. as a gear head i wish they would have gone into the specs of the bike a bit more.
i've been wanting to see on any sunday since i was five. never even heard of that last one.

damn it... now you got me yearning for race season to start here. if i didn't have a show this saturday i would drive down to fontana to watch the cup race. gonna have to work out my schedule a little better when they go to sonoma.

Re: Recent films. A very brief opinion.

Posted: 19 Feb 2010, 20:56
by General Tso s Chicken

here ya go then .

ill let you know about dust to glory , my bro said its awesome , so .

he has a track , in his yard .

not exactly neighbor of the year .

Re: Recent films. A very brief opinion.

Posted: 21 Feb 2010, 16:06
by General Tso s Chicken
great british war flick .

this is what pink is watching in "the wall "

Re: Recent films. A very brief opinion.

Posted: 23 Feb 2010, 18:09
by Roark
Well, I finally saw "Whip It". A bit bland. Juno is in it. Juno's Dad is in it (seriously, they ripped the character. He's a simulacrum).

Nothing really happens. Everybody is happy in the end. The most hackneyed blooper reel of all time rolls over the credits. I reckon it was scripted. A scripted blooper reel. Go to hell, makers of "Whip It".

Re: Recent films. A very brief opinion.

Posted: 23 Feb 2010, 18:45
by crotchgrabber
Roark wrote:Well, I finally saw "Whip It". A bit bland. Juno is in it. Juno's Dad is in it (seriously, they ripped the character. He's a simulacrum).

Nothing really happens. Everybody is happy in the end. The most hackneyed blooper reel of all time rolls over the credits. I reckon it was scripted. A scripted blooper reel. Go to hell, makers of "Whip It".
i will never tell drew barrymore to go to hell.
i will cuddle her and brush her hair and make her a toasty mug of hot cocoa.

and stick my finger in her butt.

Re: Recent films. A very brief opinion.

Posted: 23 Feb 2010, 23:48
by Grotocult

Re: Recent films. A very brief opinion.

Posted: 24 Feb 2010, 02:49
by Eviltoastman
Aren't all men [/Valerie Solanas]

Re: Recent films. A very brief opinion.

Posted: 24 Feb 2010, 05:00
by Mr John
<---- No.

Re: Recent films. A very brief opinion.

Posted: 24 Feb 2010, 05:18
by Eviltoastman
Homosexuals are not men. [/Sara Palin]