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Posted: 03 May 2007, 19:40
by DangerDiabolik
Crazy Post Count ( 27177 ) = No Credibility

Posted: 03 May 2007, 19:59
by PattonBordin
too easy, ....too easy

Posted: 03 May 2007, 20:03
by CerebroDespierto
to easy to be an automaton? I'd imagine it is.

Posted: 03 May 2007, 20:07
by Tail of dogma

Posted: 03 May 2007, 20:08
by Wendal
CerebroDespierto";p="872506 wrote:Wha? How much you think the album sucks is completely irrelevant as I stated above. What is relevant is that you either ignore obvious facts and speak half-truth in a fleeting attempt to be able to make fun of someone on a forum(we all make fun of people who suck, even on forums, but to go out of your way to try and doctor reality is pretty ridiculous), or you believe that there is some mass conspiracy where Mike Patton has made zombie slaves out of a random group of established musicians, so that he can write a bunch of music in his bedroom, and have them play it and claim that they wrote it.

Either way you're a ridiculous idiot.

Good post. I agree with this 100%

Posted: 03 May 2007, 21:21
by PattonBordin
"Mike Patton has made zombie slaves out of a random group of established musicians"

u havent heard Delirium Cordium

Posted: 03 May 2007, 21:32
by cocklesby
Another Patton album, another good use for that old guest's harp lying around the house.

Posted: 03 May 2007, 21:39
by Hank
dr saca muelas";p="872482 wrote:no it doesnt hank

Posted: 03 May 2007, 21:45
by Busta
Nam Tsao";p="872436 wrote:What a fucking spastic-fuckbag.
meatpan";p="872494 wrote: These songs make want to go out and scalp some white people and take back our land.

Posted: 03 May 2007, 21:48
by Hank
theis anti-patton agendas... must.... STOP

Posted: 03 May 2007, 22:10
by miracle world
Wendal";p="872474 wrote:
MaliceinWonderland";p="872347 wrote:There is usually a 2 year period of people saying a Patton albums sucks before they see it's genius. It somewhat worries me that everybody is liking this album right off of the bat. Even California took a year before most Bungle fans realized how good it was. They expected DV2.
Peeping Tom is fantastic. In a year everybody will love it.
This new Tomahawk is great, but is it too giving?, and not demanding enough? Usually it takes a Patton fan a lot of listens before they get taught what it was that Patton was teaching. This album may be too much dessert and not enough veggies. Or, even though the direction is different, is he really bending our minds as much as usual?
Probably is, but maybe this is one of the rare times when what he and Duane had a vision to do was palettable on first listen. It still is a curious thing. I put in Suspended animation once or so a month for a year and it didn't do anything for me, then it clicked slowly. This one just seems like candy right off the bat. Will we get filled up too quick?

Your post makes quite a bit of sense. Many Patton albums take a while to sink in before they can be fully appreciated. Disco Volante is one of the best examples. Probably because I was expecting it to sound more like the debut and instead Bungle took a sharp turn and threw me a bit. I really didnt like the alubum much for a long time and now it's one of, of not my very favorite Patton album ever. Of course the douchebags on this forum will simply say because you didnt like it at first you had to "trick yourself into liking it"-meaning you dont REALLY like it, you just tricked yourself because it's Patton......FUCKING douchebags. If that were the case I'd be listtening to Weird Little Boy, Hemophiliac, Romances all the time which I dont because I didnt like those albums. But then agian some of Pattons work can be appreciated right away. I loved Director's Cut automatically and still do to this day. Same with Angel Dust. Tomahawks's first 2 I liked at first but then both albums started getting bland and I still feel that way with the excetion of 4 or 5 solid tracks. I havn't heard Anonymous yet so the jury is still out. I hope I like it.
Sure. But this album fucking sucks.

Posted: 03 May 2007, 23:00
by Razor
How so? Were you expecting another Mit Gas or something?

Posted: 03 May 2007, 23:23
by DangerDiabolik
dr saca muelas";p="872521 wrote:too easy, ....too easy
i know ...totally.

Posted: 04 May 2007, 01:06
by detuned
Don Eduardo";p="871487 wrote:Oink is retarded ratio-counting nonsense. Losers sitting in front of their screens begging people to leech their leaked Veruca Salt album and Nirvana discographies so they can avoid the threat of being banned for another week.

Forget it ever happened.
sounds like someone couldnt handle the COMPLEXITIES of ratio based torrent sites, was banned and is now bitter

Posted: 04 May 2007, 01:12
by Redundant Retard
poopshipdestroyer";p="872469 wrote:Tooooooooooorbjøøøøøøøøøøøørn! No e da midaaaaaaaaaaag.
So, I was wrong, was I? :wink:

Posted: 04 May 2007, 04:08
by Thunder Beer
You wish that was you...

Posted: 04 May 2007, 04:28
by miracle world
Razor";p="872650 wrote:How so? Were you expecting another Mit Gas or something?
Nah. That one also sucks.

Posted: 04 May 2007, 04:55
by joey5001
ReverseEngineer";p="872402 wrote:I like how people still think of this as Patton's project.
as if Denison has nothing to do with it.
It's a shame Denison didn't have more to do with it.
It does sound more like a Patton project than a Denison one.
Oh, and it doesn't sound very good on the first listen.

Posted: 04 May 2007, 11:16
by poopshipdestroyer
Thunder";p="872498 wrote:
poopshipdestroyer";p="872469 wrote:Tooooooooooorbjøøøøøøøøøøøørn! No e da midaaaaaaaaaaag.
Hvilken dialekt var det?

Posted: 04 May 2007, 11:45
by Redundant Retard

Posted: 04 May 2007, 11:53
by Thunder Beer
Florø-dialekten er mye styggere...

Posted: 04 May 2007, 11:58
by Redundant Retard

Posted: 05 May 2007, 04:31
by ReverseEngineer
HankMcCain";p="872566 wrote:theis anti-patton agendas... must.... STOP
you're mixing your fake-account metaphors!

Posted: 05 May 2007, 05:20
by CerebroDespierto
ReverseEngineer wrote (View Post):
I like how people still think of this as Patton's project.
as if Denison has nothing to do with it.

It's a shame Denison didn't have more to do with it.
It does sound more like a Patton project than a Denison one.
Oh, and it doesn't sound very good on the first listen.
Ah! No one fucking reads shit. Say what you want. You love it, you hate it, Duane fucking Denison arranged and reworked all the music himself, the band recorded it, and Patton only added Vocals!

Posted: 05 May 2007, 06:18
by Eviltoastman
I couldn't stop laughing listening to it. It's like "The Last Mohican" meets that fucking "Riverdance" crap.