While I'm still trying to reach 'the least productive ive ever been in my life' status, I bought a modded ps3.It is the bee's fuckin' knees.
So Far:
Tomb Raider - I fucking loved it. Really tight controls, story takes an extreme back seat to a nice simple upgrade system and the best sense of height I've felt in a game. Seriously triggered my acrophobia in some parts. Great Fun!
The Last of Us - Obviously it's getting 10/10 everywhere which I think is a little much, but everything about it is a solid 8, which is rare these days. Loved the story, was shit at stealth in open areas against the humans. Top quality.
Sleeping Dogs - Not liked a GTA game since the top downs, this was way more fun. Didn't do as many of the side missions as I should. More ridealong bullettime down the highway would have been fun.
Binary Domain - What a waste. Im diggin the ps3 cover based shooters, but the story was SO lacking. First half was completely generic gung ho USA USA. Needed more spec ops/blade runner and less COD. Also combat was a little repetitive and the boss fights were totally unimaginative.
Infamous - Got 5 hours in and my save got corrupted. Will go back at some point cos it was super fun and silly.
Saints Row 3 - Stopped a couple of hours in, didn't grab me. There were some funny features, but coming from so many games with good cover mechanics, this just kinda shat me.
Keeping Wipeout HD and Katamari forever for when I want to play just a little bit of something. I got really fucking good at We Love Katamari, so I'm shocked at how quickly I've hit a difficulty curve and am sucking hard. Need to spend more time practicing.
And currently playing (almost finished) Red Dead Redemption. So fucking good. Unlike the GTA games where I hate driving, I could ride around the plains for hours. Serene as fuck and I don't need to go outside!
PS3 is a great system so far, especially as I'm not paying out the arse for games. Gotta say though, the jaggies can kill me in some games. max 30fps and no anti aliasing @ 720p on a full HD tv is abominable at times.
Good thing I've held onto my gigantic CRT though, I was gifted with this gorgeous mail package the other week. Hasn't been warm enough for me to venture outside of my bedroom lately, but soon...
Cat not included