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new puscifer song from new album

Posted: 18 Jul 2011, 09:54
by Hyde

Re: new puscifer song from new album

Posted: 18 Jul 2011, 11:45
by Grotocult
you posted a link to Tool's Aenema.

Re: new puscifer song from new album

Posted: 18 Jul 2011, 14:30
oh hyde! :lol:

1. walk
2. chew bubblegum
3. do both 1 & 2 simultaneously
4. post appropriate link

yes, in that order.

Re: new puscifer song from new album

Posted: 18 Jul 2011, 14:53
by Carcharodon carcharias

Thanks Hyde. Ignore the retards that can't operate interwebs.

Re: new puscifer song from new album

Posted: 19 Jul 2011, 00:44
by General Tso s Chicken

Re: new puscifer song from new album

Posted: 19 Jul 2011, 01:27
by Hyde
works for me. check your adobes men. fix yo shit.

Re: new puscifer song from new album

Posted: 19 Jul 2011, 12:40
oh hyde! :lol:

assuming I am clicking on your link.

Re: new puscifer song from new album

Posted: 19 Jul 2011, 12:41
Thanks Hyde, good to see some people here post actual music related news/links/mp3s instead of the typical nonsensical autistic type of style cribdeath mountain has trademarked.

Re: new puscifer song from new album

Posted: 19 Jul 2011, 12:50
truth be told, I don't have an actual "style".
I just more or less swagger by the salad bar and commence to grab handfuls
of whatever, shove said items into my face, and chew with my mouth open.
my inspirations aren't just (or mostly) worn on my sleeve.
they are all down the front of me. falling off of my shoes even.
I wade through all of this. it slows me down nary a step.

Re: new puscifer song from new album

Posted: 19 Jul 2011, 13:09
I never read your posts beyond the first two lines.

Shut the fuck up.

Re: new puscifer song from new album

Posted: 19 Jul 2011, 13:45
MONDO PAIN wrote:I never read your posts beyond the first two lines.
if this is true... you have no business passing judgement on me as you are not seeing the big picture. not only that... you sound lazy. I mean really, how difficult/physically demanding is it to read beyond "2 lines"? another thing, I read all of your posts and

Re: new puscifer song from new album

Posted: 19 Jul 2011, 13:46
it has given me the immovable stance in which to proclaim that you are a grade a example of a boil on the ass of society.
well... maybe not that bad, but you are indeed a shining example of an idiot.

Re: new puscifer song from new album

Posted: 19 Jul 2011, 16:42
by Grotocult
I was at an A Perfect Circle show the other week (rubbish, btw)
And a dude in a pink dress shirt was going on about how great the Pusci-fier show was.
That got me down a little bit.
This new song's an Aenema recycle.

Re: new puscifer song from new album

Posted: 19 Jul 2011, 18:49
by clitty litter
i h8 to say it but i thinks Maynard is past his prime, in the second half of his half-life, over the hill if you will
i'm gonna massage my crotch with some warm vanilla lotion right now 8)