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Re: highlight of your day?

Posted: 21 Sep 2012, 07:24
by clitty litter

Re: highlight of your day?

Posted: 21 Sep 2012, 09:08
by Carcharodon carcharias
Penetration Fatback wrote:Image
When your mom found out they both knew:


Re: highlight of your day?

Posted: 26 Sep 2012, 03:04
by Eviltoastman
Starting my PPE degree. :santa:

Re: highlight of your day?

Posted: 28 Sep 2012, 19:10
by General Tso s Chicken
TLDR !!!!

i apologize in advance for writing this novel , but , i really felt this one , i hope you read it and walk away feeling a lil better than before .

so when i was 17 i bought one of these things for 220 :


i wanted the boss one , which just came out , but they didn't have it and when i saw the loop / hold feature , i got the digitech albeit it was a ton of money for me , but i ended up using / loving this pedal so much , it was SO worth it ! i used this effect on my first recording ever , and eventually i even had the thing hooked up to my car stereo , using a mic to demand free cheesburgers with a long echo on the drive thru at macdonalds did not work as well as i had intended . i used it all the time , it really motivated me and helped me write / get " better " at playing in tempo and in general as well . too much delay was my signature sound :)

years later at one point in my life things were pretty rough , i hadn't been playing much , i was living IN my car at the time , i had this device in the trunk of the volvo , and the trunk latch broke off . over time i forgot and assumed this thing was mia . later the volvo's trans went out , i was going to scrap the car , but first i broke into the trunk . there it was , my blue echo box , and there was much rejoicing , ing , ing ing , ing .

Fast forward a few more years , i brought it to the rehearsal spot and hooked it up to my pedal board / power supply , keep in mind these pedals EAT batteries . my rhythm guitarist , whose garage it was that we practiced in , with out asking me , took my echo box to a another gig . he tried to hook up his kids R/C car battery instead of taking my power supply .

poof , he smoked the pedal . he did not tell me what happened , but copped to it many years later , after a long night of drinking / shooting the bull . he was a very good friend so i did not murder him , although the urge was there , and still is from time to time .

so i tried to fix it , i didn't know what had happened with the way too powerful battery , otherwise i may have been able to quickly / cheaply repair it ( fried voltage regulator or capacitor . also i wasn't that good at electronics then , and this is a very complicated device as far as stomp boxes go ; there are about TWENTY large IC chips on the board ! . so eventually , i took a hammer to it , widlar style ( see footnote *** ) , because frankly , the sight of it infuriated me , until the depression would set in .

Fast forward to a little while back i BRIEFLY re-told this epic tale of the 'one that broke my heart" on a stomp box forum , cause someone was asking about r/c batterys and pedals or something .

THIS guy :

Pink Jimmy Photon , i had pm'ed him a few times because i admire his craft / dig the videos , not to mention , he is a very talented player ( a mother ) . always bothering him for info or advice , then running on way to long like i always do . Recently he pm's me back , after an exceptionally ramblesome pointless self serving annoyance of a message , and says he has one of these pds 1002 pedals . its the nicer model , the two second echo , as opposed to the one second that i had . he got it on ebay or something , broken . he says " aren't you the guy who used to have one ? if you want it i will mail it to you .


so i pay pall him a few bux for shipping , it shows up , and i literally start giggling . i worked on it like a mad man for 2 days , only stopping to inhale microwaved sloppy joe , pour the potato chip crumbles from the bottom of the bag , guzzle a brass monkey , google for photo's and schematics , then the indy 500 style 8:55 and 59 second break neck speed runs to Fry's electronics and back . it needed a voltage regulator , and a j111 ( transistor like thingy ) . i also had to re-seat the ic chips , and in the process i moded the dickens out of it because well , you should know how goofy i am by now ...

miraculously it works , i say that because of how bad i abused it during the repair process , hard shorts , reverse polarity , laying on of hands ( thats actually how i figured out the loop repair ) heck i contemplating hitting it with the dang tycho battery for a minute ! . i am absolutely thrilled i was also able to fix the loop/hold feature ( i had zero faith ) , had to cut in blue and yellow led's , a new power jack , moded in a top mount latching stomp switch for loop mode , ( the stock switch is now momentary ) . i also added a control for the master delay time , like a circuit bend idea so you can jack it way longer than stock , or clean it up for more fidelity when going with shorter echo times . and the obligatory expression pedal jack for the delay time as well , beluga whale mating calls are go .

i cant tell u how thrilled i am . i messed with it this morning , i had a test tone , just an oscillator running into it , by feeding it back ( oh i " moded " the regeneration for self oscillation too ) you can get these creepy ghost sounds , banshee wails , industrial drones , etc , etc , etc .... also with the right extreme settings on two controls u can " crash " it , what racket ! it is so much more awesome than stock , plus the double length time is fantastic for musical aplications ,one second wasnt quite enough . you can punch in and out creating a collage of crazy noises and vary the speed / pitch with the foot pedal , then you solo over that ... but these crash noises are really insane sounds . think giant robot , dying from electrocution , experiencing a massive PCP induced hallucination while speaking in tongues as heard by a demon possessed senile elderly iron lung inhabitant with tourettes syndrome , whose hearing aid batteries just happen to be on the fritz . pretty close to what that would sound like but more awesomer , cause its a random glitch that can not be identically replicated .

i did run the guitar thru it for a bit and had more fun / played better / harder than i have in a long time , i had an additional echo box / and reverb after it , set to repeat rhythmically in sync with the loops then reverberate , soloing over it , the second echo / reverb is apparent on the lead sound as well . insane ! , too cool .

thanks to PJP , i got something back i never thought i would see again . they are really rare and also expensive when you can find them . the word has gotten out about these 3rd gen " ancient " treasures , a buncha pro guys use / love these things , bill frizell's favorite echo box , nels cline , lee ritenour , John Frusciante , and many others online sing the praise of these devices for there magical tone / flexability , modability , response time etc . from what i hear most of the PDS line by digitech really shine as outstanding devices , the 20/20 is supposed to be really great , along with the 8 second model , but many users prefer the 1002 . PJP actually was repairing a 20/20 while i was at work on my 1002 , which he informed me he also has brought one of those back from the dead very recently as well . at this point ( i do have the return address ) i am planning a mission impossible style break and enter , only one hitch , Bella the wonder dog and her 127 db death growl can be heard by local authorities .

something about the sound , AND the interface , i absolutely love love love this thing , best echo box ever , by far ( no offense line 6 dl-4 , but ... ) not that i am an expert or have a massive collection , but i know a bit and honestly do own way to many echo producing devices . its a weakness i have , if it echos , and i see it at goodwill , its coming home to be tampered with and force fed guitar signal , what ever the original design was , it will be retrofitted with a 1/4 inch jack and some sort of pre-amplification circuitry immediately . should i be proud of the fact that i know which pin is for the master time on the pt2399 , ( and the feedback port ) , prolly not , they are cheap , noisy , very short maximum delay time and most often found in products whose primary color scheme is exclusively pink .

for a while there , in fuzzlab ( my work space ) i really didn't think i could fix it . it did get pretty hairy , but a few trips to frys electronics , some "vice of experience" style advice from PJP the "master" of germanium silicon hybrids and destroyer of secondary harmonics himself , and i was back in business . folks this is what the internet was invented for . i know i type too much and ramble on , i often piss people of like that , BUT , in this case i am really glad i took the time to type out that long story on the stomp box forum where Mr. Photon first was made aware of my loss and affinity for this rare and even more special device .

considering what happened to my original unit , of course i feel i really didn't deserve to have all the bad luck that i did with it , but in this case time had a way of working things out for the best . then again i was a HUGE knucklehead , even more so than now , back then . i am not sure what i did to deserve this recent " out of the blue " reward . as a matter of fact lately i have been kind of crabby and moody , honestly after this i am waiting to see what terrible misfortune will befall me or my equipment ... the point i should focus on thru this experience is that the world could use more folks like PJP . the guy HARDLY knows me , i have bothered him a handful of times , always asking him for help or odball advice on this sort of stuff ( he is a real unbiased expert on this stuff folks , and that is pretty rare ) , i admit i have teased him a and joked around about his diy videos ( the guys is a DYNAMO , accomplishing more in a month than i can in a year , seriously ) , mostly what i have done is take up his time , attempt to extract information , and ask him to make up my mind for me ...

really , even way more importantly than me getting my toy back , i should remember this guy's heart , his unselfish giving spirit , and thoughtfulness , in the long run , i could have the best tone on earth , shred 10,000 notes fer hour , bend with more soul than david gilmour , and sex the guitar harder than jimi hendrix , but that wouldn't necessarily make me a good person . i am truly blessed to have made this acquaintance , and honestly inspired by this persons amazing generosity . in todays "dog eat dog" , "money + bling + harem= happiness mentality , with the hip hop / gangsta / thug life ideology that has been so prevalent in the media this sort of gesture i find , thought provoking , very rare, and inspirational . i am going to TRY to let this sink in and also make effort give back in any little way that i can to EVERY one around me .

thanks Pink Jimmy Photon , you got some serious good karma points headed your way , weather you "believe" in that idea or not , you have done a very very good thing , and i am truly thankful , and honored with your generosity .

*** more info on what widlar means , a link about this inspirational nix noox .

widlar hammer story :

" We still have a sign around our lab, “This is not a blacksmith shop.” But there were times when Bob would discover he had wasted a day or two, just because one bad part had screwed up his circuit. He would bring this bad part—a capacitor, a pot, a transistor, an IC, or whatever—over to the vise and lay it on the anvil part. Then he would calmly, methodically beat it with a hammer until the smallest remaining part was indistinguishable from the dust on the floor. Then he would go back to work and get the right answer. He explained that it makes you feel much better if you do this, and, you know that bad part will never come around again and goof you up. He was right, and I recommend that you join me in doing this “Widlarizing” when a bad component fools you. You will feel a lot better. " *** ... tuff-74132

Re: highlight of your day?

Posted: 07 Oct 2012, 05:44
by General Tso s Chicken
did a high gain fuzz , my own design , a dod 250 preamp with ancient orig op amp ! AND a dynacomp compressor in 3 days . the dynacomp isnt boxed up yet , but the board is populated .

what a great run , thanks to gomti , she really helps , gets all the parts researches stuff , etc .

the high gain fuzz , i spent a ton of time on the design . tried every possible type / value of all the important components , went thru a half dozen major design changes . it has more sustain than anything i ever tried , the tone is so sweet , it octave blooms subtly on some notes , more with the neck pu / tone rolled back .

i would say it would be great for sludge , it has a ton of gain , for lead sounds , what its really for , i just couldn't be happier . i could seriously sell these , they are dead quiet super high gain circuits , but that was a major hurdle .

put it in a old ehx small clone box thats been painted a few times . i actually feel kinda proud of myself .

i gotta do some videos soon , at least a dozen . :(

deet wanted a nice od tone , she doesnt care for effects much , or a lot of distortion . the dod 250 was perfect , we a/b'ed it with a tube scremer , it won . i tried a few different things for her , my kid , the tone snob !

some folks say that is yngwie in a box , others swear by these things . i got lucky , finding the chips in video poker machines that were discarded by the dumpster at the arcade place . 1977 chip , a lil noisey , but thats the magic mojo part in this circuit ... so cool i found em , i think i have 6 too .

Re: highlight of your day?

Posted: 08 Oct 2012, 06:45
by General Tso s Chicken

Re: highlight of your day?

Posted: 25 Oct 2012, 22:19
by PattonBordin

Re: highlight of your day?

Posted: 24 Nov 2012, 13:42
by General Tso s Chicken
did this one last night , and the other one the day before , check em out . i really like the fox tone machine after i modded it to fulltone ultimate overdrive specs , now there is a cap switch , so it still gets crazy like the orig , but i used the not so treble setting on the recording . that circuit , imo , its unusably treblie ... so i was thrilled to be able to use it . keep in mind these are line in , and i am workin on a solution to get better tone , maybe cab sim stuff on the computer , we shall see , i think i may try and build some cab sim circuits eventually , but i need stereo , so ... on the fence . the idea is these recordings are to aid in practice for my wife and kid , so i really rushed thru em , compared to like if it was a " serious thing " but ... i still dig em . installed some better software tonight , going to be doing more of this type of shit , originals . only reason we are gonna do rumble is from that loud movie with jimmy page , my kid is a huge fan , but i told her , we aint doin any zepp .... lol . not in this life , i butchered enough of that shit in my band days . check em out ... thanks ... ture=g-upl

Re: highlight of your day?

Posted: 05 Dec 2012, 11:39
by General Tso s Chicken
working on a diy guitar synth . its tracking pretty well , very well with single coils , a lil rougher with active humbuckers . go figure ..

so stoked .

Re: highlight of your day?

Posted: 19 Dec 2012, 21:20
by General Tso s Chicken

Re: highlight of your day?

Posted: 20 Dec 2012, 00:51
by General Tso s Chicken

Re: highlight of your day?

Posted: 27 Apr 2013, 01:31
by Mary Hinge
today, this forum :D

Re: highlight of your day?

Posted: 27 Apr 2013, 01:57
by Eviltoastman
Crumpets. Decent ones, not the crap ones Roark must have tried. We're lacking the Normandy butter but still. Crumpets and a strong cup of tea....a ooh and proper Westcountry cheddar with the crumpets.

Re: highlight of your day?

Posted: 27 Apr 2013, 02:41
by uncooked meat
Cheese on crumpets?? :eyes:

Re: highlight of your day?

Posted: 27 Apr 2013, 03:44
by Eviltoastman
Yes. Cold mature cheddar cheese, thinly sliced on top of a hot buttered crumpet. Washed down with a strong mug of tea.

Re: highlight of your day?

Posted: 27 Apr 2013, 07:07
by Mary Hinge
It's okay Brett, he means Marmite

Re: highlight of your day?

Posted: 27 Apr 2013, 07:54
by Eviltoastman
Marmite and cheese on crumpets is also delicious.

Re: highlight of your day?

Posted: 07 May 2013, 22:34
by General Tso s Chicken

Re: highlight of your day?

Posted: 13 May 2013, 23:02
by Roark
Eviltoastman wrote:Crumpets. Decent ones, not the crap ones Roark must have tried. We're lacking the Normandy butter but still. Crumpets and a strong cup of tea....a ooh and proper Westcountry cheddar with the crumpets.
Cheese on crumpets? What the fuck? *dizzy*

You know what I had for the first time yesterday? Welsh fucking rarebit. Awesome. Better than your previous best contribution to the world of skilled longbowmen.

Re: highlight of your day?

Posted: 14 May 2013, 08:38
by Eviltoastman
Did you have rarebit or just cheese on toast? There's a difference but a lot of people think it's the same thing.

I love rarebit with a nice bit of tomato jam.

Re: highlight of your day?

Posted: 14 May 2013, 09:13
by Dress Barn

Re: highlight of your day?

Posted: 14 May 2013, 11:01
by Eviltoastman
Hold me Jeremy. I'm scared.

Re: highlight of your day?

Posted: 14 May 2013, 19:45
by Roark
Eviltoastman wrote:Did you have rarebit or just cheese on toast? There's a difference but a lot of people think it's the same thing.

I love rarebit with a nice bit of tomato jam.
No, I had the real deal, which was overly-complicated to prepare.

Re: highlight of your day?

Posted: 15 May 2013, 08:12
by Dress Barn
Eviltoastman wrote:
Hold me Jeremy. I'm scared.
You're not scared...You are PLANET!

Re: highlight of your day?

Posted: 15 May 2013, 10:25
by Eviltoastman
Roark wrote:
Eviltoastman wrote:Did you have rarebit or just cheese on toast? There's a difference but a lot of people think it's the same thing.

I love rarebit with a nice bit of tomato jam.
No, I had the real deal, which was overly-complicated to prepare.
:lol: I make the base for that stuff so often for other meals it has become second nature.