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Re: star trek remake

Posted: 14 May 2009, 09:26
by Mr John
I'm seeing it Friday.
Friends of mine with decent opinions are saying it is 2nd only to Wrath of Khan, which is fine by me as First Contact and Nemisis hold that position in my brains.

Yes, I like those more than any other OST cast movies, Generations and Insurrection are, however, balls.

Re: star trek remake

Posted: 14 May 2009, 09:53
by Hank
It was quite the thrill ride on IMAX

Re: star trek remake

Posted: 16 May 2009, 20:57
by Liingus
finally saw it
loved it
abrams rules

Re: star trek remake

Posted: 19 May 2009, 07:21
by Mr John
It was alright.
A reboot that basically wipes the slate with what has gone before, but still collects the original cast and relies on coincidence to motor the plot along.

Hey, maybe Voyager will never happen now!

Re: star trek remake

Posted: 19 May 2009, 08:33
by Mobiesque
*pours a slingshot around the sun on the curb*

Re: star trek remake

Posted: 03 Jun 2009, 19:05
by Grotocult
I liked this. Nice and shiny and Eric Bana is the man. I would have liked more space travel but whatevs
The one downer was the Spock/Uhura thing: WHAT THE FUCK

Re: star trek remake

Posted: 09 Jun 2009, 06:26
by Mary Hinge
Mr John wrote: Hey, maybe Voyager will never happen now!


Re: star trek remake

Posted: 11 Jun 2009, 16:49
by Mr John
erutlucorgga wrote:I liked this. Nice and shiny and Eric Bana is the man. I would have liked more space travel but whatevs
The one downer was the Spock/Uhura thing: WHAT THE FUCK
Gays would never mate with Black Chicks.

Re: star trek remake

Posted: 12 Jun 2009, 03:08
by crotchgrabber
currently watching:
star trek II: the wrath of khan

is that a thin, vulcan kristie alley... instead of a fat human kristie alley?

do you agree that the montalban is the baddest mullet ever?

is chekov really a needed charecter?

did they just reuse scenes from star trek part one to save special effects money?

really... does a clay ship cost that much?

by the way... in part I... voyager? are you fucking kidding me?

damn that's a beautiful head of hair.

should i really be on the computer after swigging this much fucking tequila?


Re: star trek remake

Posted: 12 Jun 2009, 11:48
by touchy feely
crotchgrabber wrote:currently watching:
star trek II: the wrath of khan

is that a thin, vulcan kristie alley... instead of a fat human kristie alley?
yes, wouldve totally hit it
crotchgrabber wrote:do you agree that the montalban is the baddest mullet ever?
im too distracted by his badass chiseled chest
his outfit even accentuates it for gods sake
crotchgrabber wrote:is chekov really a needed charecter?
no... PC cold war bullshit
crotchgrabber wrote:did they just reuse scenes from star trek part one to save special effects money?
the first star trek movie never happened
you hear me?
crotchgrabber wrote:should i really be on the computer after swigging this much fucking tequila?
have no fear, you receive ultimate badass points for drinking tequila while watching star trek 2

Re: star trek remake

Posted: 12 Jun 2009, 13:18
by Dress Barn

Re: star trek remake

Posted: 12 Jun 2009, 23:31
by The Rambam
Isn't she dead now?

Re: star trek remake

Posted: 13 Jun 2009, 01:12
by crotchgrabber
i'd still tap that dead-bald-alien ass.

Re: star trek remake

Posted: 20 Jul 2009, 13:44
by touchy feely
just watched 'hard time' again, a season 4 DS9 episode where o'brien lives a 20 year prison sentence in his head
i cant think of any other tv episode that's effected me as much as that one
reaaaaaally really dark powerful stuff

Re: star trek remake

Posted: 08 Sep 2009, 11:12
by Mobiesque
NICK'S QUINTESSENTIAL REAL TIME SCENE SYNOPSIS / ULTIMATE SPOILER GUIDE TO JJ ABRAMS "STAR TREK 2009" aka "Star Trek: The Future Begins" aka "Star Trek Zero" aka "Star Trek: The IMAX Experience" aka "Star Trek (IMAX DMR version)" aka "Star Trek XI"

-The first 10 mins (to the second, before the credits start) - I'll simply say what the fuck? it never happened.

- Are we to assume that kirk the kid doesnt like his.....stepdad? therefore steals his vintage car, blasts the beastie boys and drives it off a cliff cos hes just that badass? That's the shit you'd find in a film about child spys.

- Whilst spock was outcast for being a halfcast - why would the other vulcans call him names whilst smirking in order to prove he's weak by having emotions?

- oh, nice sweater, guy from heroes.

- Cardassians were 200+ years from being discovered, how can you order one of their drinks? is this the fuckin' bar scene from Star Wars?

- drivel

- Yes, lets skip forward 3 years.

- Why does McCoy have his trademark accent for one scene?

- Spock did NOT write the fucking Kobeoshi Maru program

- Hey it's Harold! Set course for White Castle!

- Oh, an accelerator on the helm? wheres the gearstick?

- Ahaaa he's got big hands

- Oh yeah, it's the dad from John from Cincinatti

- Where the fuck is Russell crowe?

- AHHHHH! It's Poiter. I never thought you could actually go down hill from being Poiter.

- Ah, they're not Romulans or Vulcans - They must be Remuses? Remutoids? Remustanis?

- What's the big fucking deal? In those days it was SOP for pretty much every senior officer to go on dangerous away missions. Send some Admirals with you, knock yourself out!

- Where's Simon Pegg already?

- AHAHAHAH, when I asked where Russell Crowe was, I simply meant "wheres the stereotypical Australian?". Well, there he was.

- Isn't terminal velocity fatal? Granted, an unfair comment to make considering the jetboot scene in ST5 - but these guys are falling from the stratosphere!

- I get the social implications of Chekov's accent in the original series - He's Russian (slow down there!) and even in the cold war atmosphere the audience could see the universal humanity of all men. This Checkov has had more accent gags than the original ever did - And about a third of the fifth movie (the terrible one with the whales and the mum from 7th heaven) was made up of accent gags.

- I don't want to live in a world where the transporter effect isn't created by scratching the film or mixing various colours of sparkles in a glass in front of a blue screen (though cinema uses green, don't it?)

- Ah, the olden days transporter panels were made up of the word 'locked' flying about the screen like a screensaver. Good to know.

- I assume that this will have 'all been a dream' when Ernest Borgnine (playing Gene Rodenberry) wakes up, rubs his eyes and says "Hey Lwaxana, I just had the strangest dream where I'd made this universe in my mind where millions of people the whole world over understand a central theme and unified idea", to which she replies "You're not Tom Cruise, dear - and who is Lwaxana?". To which he replies "Anywho, the Jews in Hollywood fucked it up?"

- We need a Chris Rock character to rock up soon - theres not enough smart-ass backchat!

- Why would a Captain have the codes to disable the world's defences?

- Oh, flashback to Kahn (the pies!) with the ear slugs. Reminds me of the Babelfish in HHGTTG, which reminds me of another remake that fucked everything up.

- Uh, Spock, how do you know Nero is from an alternate reality and is altering history simply by being there? Could be a time bubble and he IS from this particular timeline. Who do you think you are - Sarah fucking Connor?

- Oh yeah, going back a minute - Uhura and Spock? Why not put in something about how Spock is jealous of all of Kirk's tang-magnet abilities

- Well now. I'm watching Kirk kicked off the planet and being chased through the snow by vagina dentata on stilts. Sigh.

- Leonard Pt. VII

- Romulan star goes supernova? Thats the plot of ST6 - and its Kronos (Qonos).

- They're not very good at non-linear stories, I'm honestly a little confused now.

- I was sure Sylar was gonna eat Mcoy's brain for insubordination.

- YAY! Simon Pegg. He'll be much better than Chris Rock.

- Wait - where are they?

- Transwarp is different to transporter technology. It's in a few of the books and I think thats why the ship Riker was 2nd in command on materialized halfway inside an asteroid.

- That Spock / Scotty technology solving thing is sooooo taken from ST5 and that transperant aluminium guy in that scene where he says 'how quaint' and then speaks into the computer mouse.

- Why are there aquaducts and a turbine in main engineering?

- Haha, don't make Spock angry - confuse him with anti-logic and make his head explode like Mudd's sexy twin girlfriend-cyborgs.

- Is Uhura like, Left-Eye Lopez or Beyonce or some shit?

- The guy that originally played Sarek isn't dead is he? That had to have made the death pool. Shoulda gotten him.

- Group Pose! (oddly not one of the first promo shots)

- I bet John De Lance doesn't make an appearance, frowny emoticon.

- I bet Spock is gonna be pissed when Kirk lands the first interracial kiss on TV on Uhura 40 years ago.

- Didn't one of the last ST movies have a giant space beam sucking lifeforce from a planet? Quick - reverse the polarity!

-Why no safety measures, like platforms looming miles above a central core with, I don't know - handrails? Even Remuses assumedly get the DT's some days and feel less than bi-pedally sound.

- Indiana Jones leap!

- Bruce Willis style catchphrase.

- Ahaha, I remember playing House of the Dead at the arcade as a kid.

- In the future - medical professionals examine people through seashells.

- aha - smartass Spock. I can see that.

- I'm a quantum singularity wit!

- Pegg is the only one I don't feel stabby towards when he reels off an old catchphrase.

- Nimoy tells Sylar that him and Kirk are gonna Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck.

- Sylar agrees.

- oh intertextual moment there.

- blah blah fucking blah

- Thats a triple entendre. "I relieve you sir". "I am relieved". AND he's in a wheelchair so the likeliness he just shat himself is WAY high.

- Hey that chick in the background looks like shes got a dick on her head. LOL.

- Touchy, don't watch this.

Re: star trek remake

Posted: 08 Sep 2009, 11:33
by Liingus
Mobiesque wrote: - Bruce Willis style catchphrase.

Re: star trek remake

Posted: 08 Sep 2009, 11:54
by touchy feely
:lol: :lol: :lol:

if there was a Mobiesque commentary on mp3 i could sync up with the movie, that's the only way i'll watch it
Mobiesque wrote:- Cardassians were 200+ years from being discovered, how can you order one of their drinks? is this the fuckin' bar scene from Star Wars?
as overwhelmingly nerdy as it is, stuff like this drives me insane

Re: star trek remake

Posted: 09 Sep 2009, 04:26
by Mr John
ST4 - The Voyage Home is when Scotty does the Aluminum glass/talking to the mouse thing.

- The Scottish Cinematic Protection League

Re: star trek remake

Posted: 09 Sep 2009, 08:59
by Mobiesque
Monumental cockup on my part.

Re: star trek remake

Posted: 10 Sep 2009, 07:03
by Mr John
Now you're just making me horny.

Re: star trek remake

Posted: 10 Sep 2009, 09:19
by Mobiesque
Why you all up in my shit?

Re: star trek remake

Posted: 10 Sep 2009, 16:50
by Mr John

Re: star trek remake

Posted: 16 Sep 2009, 11:31
by touchy feely
my rambling thoughts on the last episode of DS9, because i have nothing else to do

its cool that sisko wants to hang out with the prophets and all, but why doesnt JAKE get the vision thing instead of kasidy? there were like 3 or 4 episodes focused on how much of a basketcase jake turns into if something happens to his dad... all they needed to do here was have jake say 'its okay, ive been preparing myself for this' and ben says 'youre a man now' and it gets a bit dusty in the room, jake consoles kasidy, then writes a book about the whole thing or whatever

the end of the war was just awful. wasn't thrilled with the idea of section 31 creating the changling virus... better idea would have been the breen conspiring against the founders or something. have the female changling and the entire link die (she ordered to have every cardassian killed on sight for gods sake), and laas (one of the 100) shows up at the station having found several other lost changlings, and they all form a new link

the redemption of damar was a cool idea, but he shouldve had one last encounter with dukat

ezri dax was a disaster

that is all